Take a smoke-free, social break!

5-minute social activities

Tic tac toe tournamentRock, paper, scissors tournamentTable football game
Ask the next person you see about their last/next vacation destinationAsk the next person you see about their favorite artistTake a 5-minute walk
Ask your colleague about their weekend plansAsk your colleague about their familyAsk your colleague about their school years
Discuss the newsEat a fruit or a snackMake a coffee or tea
MeditateDo yogaStretch

Smoker, why do you smoke?

Do you really need it?

Smoking is bad, consider the healthy and social alternative activities above

Reasons why you are doing itReasons to consider quitting
SocializeWorse health
Take a breakWorse smell
Deep breaths are relaxing (similar to meditation)Worse taste
You don’t really know whyAddiction
send us your reasons to include them here
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